
  • Star Alpha Centauri

    Star Alpha Centauri

    The star Alpha Centauri A and the star Alpha Centauri B form the double star system Alpha Centauri, which can be seen in the constellation Centauru...
  • The 30 brightest stars in the night sky

    The 30 brightest stars in the night sky

    The stars in this list are sorted according to their apparent brightness perceived from Earth. The list contains stars up to a magnitude of +2.50, ...
  • Star Antares

    Star Antares

    The star Antares, also called Alpha Scorpii, is the brightest star in the constellation of Scorpius. With an apparent brightness of 1.09 mag it is ...
  • Star Regulus

    Star Regulus

    The star Regulus is the brightest star in the constellation Leo. Together with the stars Arcturus and Spica, Regulus forms the Spring Triangle. Fac...
  • Star Procyon

    Star Procyon

    The star Procyon, also called "α Canis Minoris", is the brightest star in the constellation Canis Minoriss. Its distance to Earth is 11.4 light-yea...
  • Star Pollux

    Star Pollux

    The star Pollux, also called β Geminorum, is part of the large winter hexagon and the brightest star in the constellation of Gemini. Facts about Po...
  • Star Mimosa

    Star Mimosa

    The star Mimosa, also called β Crucis, is the second brightest star in the constellation of Crux. Facts about Mimosa The distance from Mimosa to Ea...
  • Star Vega

    Star Vega

    The star Vega is the main star in the northern constellation of Lyra. In white light it is the brightest star in the northern sky and part of the g...
  • Star Spica

    Star Spica

    The star Spica is also called α Virginis and is the brightest star in the constellation Virgo. It is one of the hottest stars with a surface temper...
  • Star Sirius

    Star Sirius

    Sirius is a binary star system. It consists of the brighter component Sirius A and its companion, the white dwarf, Sirius B. Sirius can be seen in ...
  • Star Rigel

    Star Rigel

    The star Rigel forms together with the star Betelgeuse the constellation Orion. Rigel is the eighth brightest star in the sky and also part of the ...
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